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Jonathan Dean
5 days ago4 min read
Does the world need the new Korg Kronos 3, or possibly not
In short Yes. So let me take a moment to explain why the world needs the Korg Kronos 3. The Korg Nautilus didn’t cut it as the flagship...

Jonathan Dean
Feb 105 min read
Is the Korg Kronos 3 a Game-Changer or Just an Update to an Old Workstation?
You will be aware that amongst other announcements Korg have announced that the Korg Kronos is back in the form of the Korg Kronos 3

Jonathan Dean
Dec 16, 20242 min read
Behringer launch the Behringer Wave Synthesiser
Last week Behringer announced the launch of the Behringer Wave. The new instrument takes inspiration from the legendary PPG Wave sold in...

Jonathan Dean
Dec 9, 20243 min read
My YouTube channel turned 9 last weekend
'Well bend me over and tickle me with a feather'. YouTube 9 year anniversary And for those that don't speak Ken Dodd, who was an english...

Jonathan Dean
Dec 2, 20242 min read
StudioSpares a Phoenix haș risen thanks to Gear4Music
Appearing on many of the social media sites Gear4Music have announced that they have added StudioSpares to their family.

Jonathan Dean
Oct 21, 20245 min read
5 Tips for Playing Keyboard when it Rains and without Damaging them
5 Tips for Playing Keyboard Outdoors then it Rains and not Damaging Your Instrument.

Jonathan Dean
Oct 14, 20244 min read
Espen Kraft's Hardware Scam Video Blows Up the Internet
Who is Espen Kraft I suspect that many of you that watch the videos on this site watch the videos on Espen Kraft’s site. Especially when...

Jonathan Dean
Jul 8, 20242 min read
Desktop and rack mount synths return, new trend staring?
Behringer Desktop Announcement About a year back Behringer posted on social media that they were considering releaseing the desktop...

Jonathan Dean
Jul 1, 20244 min read
Creation of the New Studio for TMTG!
In a previous post I announced that I (The Music Tech Guy UK) have quietly been building a new studio. I started the process in March,...

Jonathan Dean
Jun 24, 20244 min read
I have been quiet building the new studio space
What studio? My new studio! When I moved down to the south cost just before lock down I was completely deflated about life. As many of...

Jonathan Dean
May 20, 20243 min read
How I acquired my fabulous Korg OASYS
I have always been passionate about music and the art of creating it. I might not be a Jean-Michel Jarre or Kebu but I have always...

Jonathan Dean
Apr 22, 20244 min read
Disenfranchised by The Music Tech Guy UK Website - SEO'R'US
I set out to build a website to support what I was doing on the The Music Tech Guy UK YouTube channel. I have built websites in the...

Jonathan Dean
Apr 15, 20243 min read
Keyboard covers or catastrophe for your electronic equipment
Keyboard covers so what? But keyboard covers for your electronic instruments is actually essential to ensuring those instruments remain...

Jonathan Dean
Apr 8, 20242 min read
Motown, Detroit and The Drifters - Soul Kinda Wonderful
Lockdown closed the country down and mean that live music just got switched off and unfortunately for many venues this was the final nail...

Jonathan Dean
Jul 21, 20232 min read
Is it really finally over for the legendary KEYBOARD magazine?
A few years back, well 2017 to be exact, rumours started to circulate that Keyboard Magazine had reached the end of the road. There were...

Jonathan Dean
Jul 18, 20232 min read
Korg Nautilus AT has been launched with After Touch - Seriously
Over the weekend a post popped up in my social media feed telling me that Korg were launching a new model of the Korg Nautilus, called...

Jonathan Dean
Apr 20, 20225 min read
Muse Receptor - Round 1 awarded to the Clone - Story so Far
Trying to clone the Hard Drive on a Muse Receptor 1.0 Rev C is not as easy as it first appears.

Jonathan Dean
Jan 12, 20226 min read
Why do I need Instrument Insurance on my Keyboards and Instruments?
It is that time of the year when the insurance on the instruments becomes due.

Jonathan Dean
Jan 3, 20225 min read
Has the death of Korg Kronos been signalled?
Time has been called on the Korg Kronos Music Workstation. Korg have quietly removed the keyboard from the website in favour of Nautilus

Jonathan Dean
Oct 29, 20214 min read
Muse Receptor - Where do I get the update!
The MUSE Receptor has arrived. MUSE has ceased trading. So where do I get the updates.
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